A Plan for Every Organization
Whether you're a self-starter or a large team, got a tech wiz on staff or prefer to save your headaches, there's a plan for you.
Standard |
90 |
130 |
490 |
monthly per office |
monthly per office |
monthly per office |
2 users included ($20 per additional seat*) |
2 users included ($20 per additional seat*) |
unlimited users included |
all updates included |
all updates included |
all updates included |
no support included (paid support available**) |
unlimited email support with 24h response (paid phone & remote support***) |
unlimited email support with 24h response, scheduled phone support and scheduled remote support |
* concurrent users is the maximum number of users in Ear Works at any given time. Additional concurrent user licenses available at $20/user (for DIY and Standard).
** paid email support available at $70/ticket (for DIY)
*** paid phone and remote support can be scheduled at $90/ticket (for DIY and Standard)
all prices in Australian Dollars
** paid email support available at $70/ticket (for DIY)
*** paid phone and remote support can be scheduled at $90/ticket (for DIY and Standard)
all prices in Australian Dollars
Standard |
90 |
130 |
490 |
monthly per office |
monthly per office |
monthly per office |
2 users included ($20 per additional seat*) |
2 users included ($20 per additional seat*) |
unlimited users included |
all updates included |
all updates included |
all updates included |
no support included (paid support available**) |
unlimited email support with 24h response (paid phone & remote support***) |
unlimited email support with 24h response, scheduled phone support and scheduled remote support |
* concurrent users is the maximum number of users in Ear Works at any given time. Additional concurrent user licenses available at $20/user (for DIY and Standard).
** paid email support available at $70/ticket (for DIY)
*** paid phone and remote support can be scheduled at $90/ticket (for DIY and Standard)
all prices in Canadian Dollars
** paid email support available at $70/ticket (for DIY)
*** paid phone and remote support can be scheduled at $90/ticket (for DIY and Standard)
all prices in Canadian Dollars